如何 monkeypatch/模擬模組和環境¶
固定裝置有助於您安全地設定/刪除屬性、字典項目或環境變數,或修改 sys.path
參數會決定如果設定/刪除作業的目標不存在,是否會引發 KeyError
或 AttributeError
1. 修改函式或類別屬性的行為以進行測試,例如,有一個 API 呼叫或資料庫連線,您不會為測試進行呼叫,但您知道預期的輸出應該是什麼。使用 monkeypatch.setattr
以使用您想要的測試行為修補函式或屬性。這可以包括您自己的函式。使用 monkeypatch.delattr
2. 修改字典的值,例如,您有一個全域組態,您想要為特定測試案例修改它。使用 monkeypatch.setitem
3. 修改測試的環境變數,例如,如果環境變數遺失,要測試程式行為,或要設定多個值給已知變數。monkeypatch.setenv
和 monkeypatch.delenv
4. 使用 monkeypatch.setenv("PATH", value, prepend=os.pathsep)
來修改 $PATH
,以及 monkeypatch.chdir
5. 使用 monkeypatch.syspath_prepend
來修改 sys.path
,這也會呼叫 pkg_resources.fixup_namespace_packages
和 importlib.invalidate_caches()
6. 使用 monkeypatch.context
請參閱 monkeypatch 部落格文章,以取得一些引言資料和其動機的討論。
Monkeypatching 函式¶
考慮一個你正在處理使用者目錄的場景。在測試的內容中,你不希望你的測試依賴於執行中的使用者。 monkeypatch
用於修補 Path.home
,以便在執行測試時,始終使用已知的測試路徑 Path("/abc")
。這可移除測試目的對執行使用者的任何依賴性。在呼叫將使用修補函式的函式之前,必須呼叫 monkeypatch.setattr
# contents of test_module.py with source code and the test
from pathlib import Path
def getssh():
"""Simple function to return expanded homedir ssh path."""
return Path.home() / ".ssh"
def test_getssh(monkeypatch):
# mocked return function to replace Path.home
# always return '/abc'
def mockreturn():
return Path("/abc")
# Application of the monkeypatch to replace Path.home
# with the behavior of mockreturn defined above.
monkeypatch.setattr(Path, "home", mockreturn)
# Calling getssh() will use mockreturn in place of Path.home
# for this test with the monkeypatch.
x = getssh()
assert x == Path("/abc/.ssh")
可與類別結合使用,以模擬函式傳回的物件,而非值。想像一個簡單的函式,用於取得 API URL 並傳回 JSON 回應。
# contents of app.py, a simple API retrieval example
import requests
def get_json(url):
"""Takes a URL, and returns the JSON."""
r = requests.get(url)
return r.json()
我們需要模擬 r
,也就是傳回的回應物件,以進行測試。模擬的 r
需要一個 .json()
方法,用於傳回一個字典。這可以在我們的測試檔案中透過定義一個類別來表示 r
# contents of test_app.py, a simple test for our API retrieval
# import requests for the purposes of monkeypatching
import requests
# our app.py that includes the get_json() function
# this is the previous code block example
import app
# custom class to be the mock return value
# will override the requests.Response returned from requests.get
class MockResponse:
# mock json() method always returns a specific testing dictionary
def json():
return {"mock_key": "mock_response"}
def test_get_json(monkeypatch):
# Any arguments may be passed and mock_get() will always return our
# mocked object, which only has the .json() method.
def mock_get(*args, **kwargs):
return MockResponse()
# apply the monkeypatch for requests.get to mock_get
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "get", mock_get)
# app.get_json, which contains requests.get, uses the monkeypatch
result = app.get_json("https://fakeurl")
assert result["mock_key"] == "mock_response"
使用我們的 mock_get
函數套用 requests.get
的模擬。 mock_get
函數傳回 MockResponse
類別的執行個體,該執行個體定義了 json()
方法,用於傳回已知的測試字典,且不需要任何外部 API 連線。
您可以使用適合您正在測試的場景的適當複雜度來建立 MockResponse
類別。例如,它可以包含始終傳回 True
的 ok
屬性,或根據輸入字串從模擬的 json()
此模擬可以使用 fixture
# contents of test_app.py, a simple test for our API retrieval
import pytest
import requests
# app.py that includes the get_json() function
import app
# custom class to be the mock return value of requests.get()
class MockResponse:
def json():
return {"mock_key": "mock_response"}
# monkeypatched requests.get moved to a fixture
def mock_response(monkeypatch):
"""Requests.get() mocked to return {'mock_key':'mock_response'}."""
def mock_get(*args, **kwargs):
return MockResponse()
monkeypatch.setattr(requests, "get", mock_get)
# notice our test uses the custom fixture instead of monkeypatch directly
def test_get_json(mock_response):
result = app.get_json("https://fakeurl")
assert result["mock_key"] == "mock_response"
此外,如果模擬設計為套用至所有測試,則 fixture
可以移至 conftest.py
檔案,並使用 with autouse=True
如果您想防止「requests」函式庫在您的所有測試中執行 http 要求,您可以執行
# contents of conftest.py
import pytest
def no_requests(monkeypatch):
"""Remove requests.sessions.Session.request for all tests."""
此 autouse fixture 將為每個測試函數執行,且它將刪除方法 request.session.Session.request
,如此一來,在測試中建立 http 要求的任何嘗試都將失敗。
請注意,不建議修補內建函數,例如 open
等,因為它可能會損壞 pytest 的內部結構。如果無法避免,傳遞 --tb=native
和 --capture=no
請注意,修補 stdlib
函數和 pytest 使用的一些第三方函式庫可能會破壞 pytest 本身,因此在這些情況下建議使用 MonkeyPatch.context()
import functools
def test_partial(monkeypatch):
with monkeypatch.context() as m:
m.setattr(functools, "partial", 3)
assert functools.partial == 3
請參閱 問題 #3290 以取得詳細資訊。
如果您使用環境變數,您通常需要安全地變更其值或將其從系統中刪除以進行測試。 monkeypatch
提供一種使用 setenv
和 delenv
# contents of our original code file e.g. code.py
import os
def get_os_user_lower():
"""Simple retrieval function.
Returns lowercase USER or raises OSError."""
username = os.getenv("USER")
if username is None:
raise OSError("USER environment is not set.")
return username.lower()
有兩個可能的途徑。首先, USER
環境變數設定為一個值。其次, USER
環境變數不存在。使用 monkeypatch
# contents of our test file e.g. test_code.py
import pytest
def test_upper_to_lower(monkeypatch):
"""Set the USER env var to assert the behavior."""
monkeypatch.setenv("USER", "TestingUser")
assert get_os_user_lower() == "testinguser"
def test_raise_exception(monkeypatch):
"""Remove the USER env var and assert OSError is raised."""
monkeypatch.delenv("USER", raising=False)
with pytest.raises(OSError):
_ = get_os_user_lower()
此行為可以移到 fixture
# contents of our test file e.g. test_code.py
import pytest
def mock_env_user(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.setenv("USER", "TestingUser")
def mock_env_missing(monkeypatch):
monkeypatch.delenv("USER", raising=False)
# notice the tests reference the fixtures for mocks
def test_upper_to_lower(mock_env_user):
assert get_os_user_lower() == "testinguser"
def test_raise_exception(mock_env_missing):
with pytest.raises(OSError):
_ = get_os_user_lower()
# contents of app.py to generate a simple connection string
DEFAULT_CONFIG = {"user": "user1", "database": "db1"}
def create_connection_string(config=None):
"""Creates a connection string from input or defaults."""
config = config or DEFAULT_CONFIG
return f"User Id={config['user']}; Location={config['database']};"
為了測試目的,我們可以將 DEFAULT_CONFIG
# contents of test_app.py
# app.py with the connection string function (prior code block)
import app
def test_connection(monkeypatch):
# Patch the values of DEFAULT_CONFIG to specific
# testing values only for this test.
monkeypatch.setitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "user", "test_user")
monkeypatch.setitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "database", "test_db")
# expected result based on the mocks
expected = "User Id=test_user; Location=test_db;"
# the test uses the monkeypatched dictionary settings
result = app.create_connection_string()
assert result == expected
您可以使用 monkeypatch.delitem
# contents of test_app.py
import pytest
# app.py with the connection string function
import app
def test_missing_user(monkeypatch):
# patch the DEFAULT_CONFIG t be missing the 'user' key
monkeypatch.delitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "user", raising=False)
# Key error expected because a config is not passed, and the
# default is now missing the 'user' entry.
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
_ = app.create_connection_string()
# contents of test_app.py
import pytest
# app.py with the connection string function
import app
# all of the mocks are moved into separated fixtures
def mock_test_user(monkeypatch):
"""Set the DEFAULT_CONFIG user to test_user."""
monkeypatch.setitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "user", "test_user")
def mock_test_database(monkeypatch):
"""Set the DEFAULT_CONFIG database to test_db."""
monkeypatch.setitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "database", "test_db")
def mock_missing_default_user(monkeypatch):
"""Remove the user key from DEFAULT_CONFIG"""
monkeypatch.delitem(app.DEFAULT_CONFIG, "user", raising=False)
# tests reference only the fixture mocks that are needed
def test_connection(mock_test_user, mock_test_database):
expected = "User Id=test_user; Location=test_db;"
result = app.create_connection_string()
assert result == expected
def test_missing_user(mock_missing_default_user):
with pytest.raises(KeyError):
_ = app.create_connection_string()
API 參考¶
請參閱 MonkeyPatch