使用 pytest 進行 Python 失敗報告示範

以下是幾個失敗的執行範例,以及 pytest 呈現這些內容的方式

assertion $ pytest failure_demo.py
=========================== test session starts ============================
platform linux -- Python 3.x.y, pytest-8.x.y, pluggy-1.x.y
rootdir: /home/sweet/project/assertion
collected 44 items


================================= FAILURES =================================
___________________________ test_generative[3-6] ___________________________

param1 = 3, param2 = 6

    @pytest.mark.parametrize("param1, param2", [(3, 6)])
    def test_generative(param1, param2):
>       assert param1 * 2 < param2
E       assert (3 * 2) < 6

failure_demo.py:19: AssertionError
_________________________ TestFailing.test_simple __________________________

self = <failure_demo.TestFailing object at 0xdeadbeef0001>

    def test_simple(self):
        def f():
            return 42

        def g():
            return 43

>       assert f() == g()
E       assert 42 == 43
E        +  where 42 = <function TestFailing.test_simple.<locals>.f at 0xdeadbeef0002>()
E        +  and   43 = <function TestFailing.test_simple.<locals>.g at 0xdeadbeef0003>()

failure_demo.py:30: AssertionError
____________________ TestFailing.test_simple_multiline _____________________

self = <failure_demo.TestFailing object at 0xdeadbeef0004>

    def test_simple_multiline(self):
>       otherfunc_multi(42, 6 * 9)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a = 42, b = 54

    def otherfunc_multi(a, b):
>       assert a == b
E       assert 42 == 54

failure_demo.py:14: AssertionError
___________________________ TestFailing.test_not ___________________________

self = <failure_demo.TestFailing object at 0xdeadbeef0005>

    def test_not(self):
        def f():
            return 42

>       assert not f()
E       assert not 42
E        +  where 42 = <function TestFailing.test_not.<locals>.f at 0xdeadbeef0006>()

failure_demo.py:39: AssertionError
_________________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_text _________________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0007>

    def test_eq_text(self):
>       assert "spam" == "eggs"
E       AssertionError: assert 'spam' == 'eggs'
E         - eggs
E         + spam

failure_demo.py:44: AssertionError
_____________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_similar_text _____________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0008>

    def test_eq_similar_text(self):
>       assert "foo 1 bar" == "foo 2 bar"
E       AssertionError: assert 'foo 1 bar' == 'foo 2 bar'
E         - foo 2 bar
E         ?     ^
E         + foo 1 bar
E         ?     ^

failure_demo.py:47: AssertionError
____________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_multiline_text ____________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0009>

    def test_eq_multiline_text(self):
>       assert "foo\nspam\nbar" == "foo\neggs\nbar"
E       AssertionError: assert 'foo\nspam\nbar' == 'foo\neggs\nbar'
E           foo
E         - eggs
E         + spam
E           bar

failure_demo.py:50: AssertionError
______________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_long_text _______________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef000a>

    def test_eq_long_text(self):
        a = "1" * 100 + "a" + "2" * 100
        b = "1" * 100 + "b" + "2" * 100
>       assert a == b
E       AssertionError: assert '111111111111...2222222222222' == '111111111111...2222222222222'
E         Skipping 90 identical leading characters in diff, use -v to show
E         Skipping 91 identical trailing characters in diff, use -v to show
E         - 1111111111b222222222
E         ?           ^
E         + 1111111111a222222222
E         ?           ^

failure_demo.py:55: AssertionError
_________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_long_text_multiline __________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef000b>

    def test_eq_long_text_multiline(self):
        a = "1\n" * 100 + "a" + "2\n" * 100
        b = "1\n" * 100 + "b" + "2\n" * 100
>       assert a == b
E       AssertionError: assert '1\n1\n1\n1\n...n2\n2\n2\n2\n' == '1\n1\n1\n1\n...n2\n2\n2\n2\n'
E         Skipping 190 identical leading characters in diff, use -v to show
E         Skipping 191 identical trailing characters in diff, use -v to show
E           1
E           1
E           1
E           1...
E         ...Full output truncated (7 lines hidden), use '-vv' to show

failure_demo.py:60: AssertionError
_________________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_list _________________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef000c>

    def test_eq_list(self):
>       assert [0, 1, 2] == [0, 1, 3]
E       assert [0, 1, 2] == [0, 1, 3]
E         At index 2 diff: 2 != 3
E         Use -v to get more diff

failure_demo.py:63: AssertionError
______________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_list_long _______________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef000d>

    def test_eq_list_long(self):
        a = [0] * 100 + [1] + [3] * 100
        b = [0] * 100 + [2] + [3] * 100
>       assert a == b
E       assert [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...] == [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ...]
E         At index 100 diff: 1 != 2
E         Use -v to get more diff

failure_demo.py:68: AssertionError
_________________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_dict _________________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef000e>

    def test_eq_dict(self):
>       assert {"a": 0, "b": 1, "c": 0} == {"a": 0, "b": 2, "d": 0}
E       AssertionError: assert {'a': 0, 'b': 1, 'c': 0} == {'a': 0, 'b': 2, 'd': 0}
E         Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show
E         Differing items:
E         {'b': 1} != {'b': 2}
E         Left contains 1 more item:
E         {'c': 0}
E         Right contains 1 more item:
E         {'d': 0}
E         Use -v to get more diff

failure_demo.py:71: AssertionError
_________________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_set __________________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef000f>

    def test_eq_set(self):
>       assert {0, 10, 11, 12} == {0, 20, 21}
E       assert {0, 10, 11, 12} == {0, 20, 21}
E         Extra items in the left set:
E         10
E         11
E         12
E         Extra items in the right set:
E         20
E         21
E         Use -v to get more diff

failure_demo.py:74: AssertionError
_____________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_longer_list ______________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0010>

    def test_eq_longer_list(self):
>       assert [1, 2] == [1, 2, 3]
E       assert [1, 2] == [1, 2, 3]
E         Right contains one more item: 3
E         Use -v to get more diff

failure_demo.py:77: AssertionError
_________________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_in_list _________________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0011>

    def test_in_list(self):
>       assert 1 in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5]
E       assert 1 in [0, 2, 3, 4, 5]

failure_demo.py:80: AssertionError
__________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_not_in_text_multiline __________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0012>

    def test_not_in_text_multiline(self):
        text = "some multiline\ntext\nwhich\nincludes foo\nand a\ntail"
>       assert "foo" not in text
E       AssertionError: assert 'foo' not in 'some multil...nand a\ntail'
E         'foo' is contained here:
E           some multiline
E           text
E           which
E           includes foo
E         ?          +++
E           and a
E           tail

failure_demo.py:84: AssertionError
___________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_not_in_text_single ____________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0013>

    def test_not_in_text_single(self):
        text = "single foo line"
>       assert "foo" not in text
E       AssertionError: assert 'foo' not in 'single foo line'
E         'foo' is contained here:
E           single foo line
E         ?        +++

failure_demo.py:88: AssertionError
_________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_not_in_text_single_long _________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0014>

    def test_not_in_text_single_long(self):
        text = "head " * 50 + "foo " + "tail " * 20
>       assert "foo" not in text
E       AssertionError: assert 'foo' not in 'head head h...l tail tail '
E         'foo' is contained here:
E           head head foo tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail
E         ?           +++

failure_demo.py:92: AssertionError
______ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_not_in_text_single_long_term _______

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0015>

    def test_not_in_text_single_long_term(self):
        text = "head " * 50 + "f" * 70 + "tail " * 20
>       assert "f" * 70 not in text
E       AssertionError: assert 'fffffffffff...ffffffffffff' not in 'head head h...l tail tail '
E         'ffffffffffffffffff...fffffffffffffffffff' is contained here:
E           head head fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffftail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail tail
E         ?           ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

failure_demo.py:96: AssertionError
______________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_dataclass _______________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0016>

    def test_eq_dataclass(self):
        from dataclasses import dataclass

        class Foo:
            a: int
            b: str

        left = Foo(1, "b")
        right = Foo(1, "c")
>       assert left == right
E       AssertionError: assert TestSpecialis...oo(a=1, b='b') == TestSpecialis...oo(a=1, b='c')
E         Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show
E         Differing attributes:
E         ['b']
E         Drill down into differing attribute b:
E           b: 'b' != 'c'
E           - c
E           + b

failure_demo.py:108: AssertionError
________________ TestSpecialisedExplanations.test_eq_attrs _________________

self = <failure_demo.TestSpecialisedExplanations object at 0xdeadbeef0017>

    def test_eq_attrs(self):
        import attr

        class Foo:
            a = attr.ib()
            b = attr.ib()

        left = Foo(1, "b")
        right = Foo(1, "c")
>       assert left == right
E       AssertionError: assert Foo(a=1, b='b') == Foo(a=1, b='c')
E         Omitting 1 identical items, use -vv to show
E         Differing attributes:
E         ['b']
E         Drill down into differing attribute b:
E           b: 'b' != 'c'
E           - c
E           + b

failure_demo.py:120: AssertionError
______________________________ test_attribute ______________________________

    def test_attribute():
        class Foo:
            b = 1

        i = Foo()
>       assert i.b == 2
E       assert 1 == 2
E        +  where 1 = <failure_demo.test_attribute.<locals>.Foo object at 0xdeadbeef0018>.b

failure_demo.py:128: AssertionError
_________________________ test_attribute_instance __________________________

    def test_attribute_instance():
        class Foo:
            b = 1

>       assert Foo().b == 2
E       AssertionError: assert 1 == 2
E        +  where 1 = <failure_demo.test_attribute_instance.<locals>.Foo object at 0xdeadbeef0019>.b
E        +    where <failure_demo.test_attribute_instance.<locals>.Foo object at 0xdeadbeef0019> = <class 'failure_demo.test_attribute_instance.<locals>.Foo'>()

failure_demo.py:135: AssertionError
__________________________ test_attribute_failure __________________________

    def test_attribute_failure():
        class Foo:
            def _get_b(self):
                raise Exception("Failed to get attrib")

            b = property(_get_b)

        i = Foo()
>       assert i.b == 2

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

self = <failure_demo.test_attribute_failure.<locals>.Foo object at 0xdeadbeef001a>

    def _get_b(self):
>       raise Exception("Failed to get attrib")
E       Exception: Failed to get attrib

failure_demo.py:141: Exception
_________________________ test_attribute_multiple __________________________

    def test_attribute_multiple():
        class Foo:
            b = 1

        class Bar:
            b = 2

>       assert Foo().b == Bar().b
E       AssertionError: assert 1 == 2
E        +  where 1 = <failure_demo.test_attribute_multiple.<locals>.Foo object at 0xdeadbeef001b>.b
E        +    where <failure_demo.test_attribute_multiple.<locals>.Foo object at 0xdeadbeef001b> = <class 'failure_demo.test_attribute_multiple.<locals>.Foo'>()
E        +  and   2 = <failure_demo.test_attribute_multiple.<locals>.Bar object at 0xdeadbeef001c>.b
E        +    where <failure_demo.test_attribute_multiple.<locals>.Bar object at 0xdeadbeef001c> = <class 'failure_demo.test_attribute_multiple.<locals>.Bar'>()

failure_demo.py:156: AssertionError
__________________________ TestRaises.test_raises __________________________

self = <failure_demo.TestRaises object at 0xdeadbeef001d>

    def test_raises(self):
        s = "qwe"
>       raises(TypeError, int, s)
E       ValueError: invalid literal for int() with base 10: 'qwe'

failure_demo.py:166: ValueError
______________________ TestRaises.test_raises_doesnt _______________________

self = <failure_demo.TestRaises object at 0xdeadbeef001e>

    def test_raises_doesnt(self):
>       raises(OSError, int, "3")
E       Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'OSError'>

failure_demo.py:169: Failed
__________________________ TestRaises.test_raise ___________________________

self = <failure_demo.TestRaises object at 0xdeadbeef001f>

    def test_raise(self):
>       raise ValueError("demo error")
E       ValueError: demo error

failure_demo.py:172: ValueError
________________________ TestRaises.test_tupleerror ________________________

self = <failure_demo.TestRaises object at 0xdeadbeef0020>

    def test_tupleerror(self):
>       a, b = [1]  # noqa: F841
E       ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)

failure_demo.py:175: ValueError
______ TestRaises.test_reinterpret_fails_with_print_for_the_fun_of_it ______

self = <failure_demo.TestRaises object at 0xdeadbeef0021>

    def test_reinterpret_fails_with_print_for_the_fun_of_it(self):
        items = [1, 2, 3]
        print(f"items is {items!r}")
>       a, b = items.pop()
E       TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int object

failure_demo.py:180: TypeError
--------------------------- Captured stdout call ---------------------------
items is [1, 2, 3]
________________________ TestRaises.test_some_error ________________________

self = <failure_demo.TestRaises object at 0xdeadbeef0022>

    def test_some_error(self):
>       if namenotexi:  # noqa: F821
E       NameError: name 'namenotexi' is not defined

failure_demo.py:183: NameError
____________________ test_dynamic_compile_shows_nicely _____________________

    def test_dynamic_compile_shows_nicely():
        import importlib.util
        import sys

        src = "def foo():\n assert 1 == 0\n"
        name = "abc-123"
        spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader(name, loader=None)
        module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
        code = compile(src, name, "exec")
        exec(code, module.__dict__)
        sys.modules[name] = module
>       module.foo()

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

>   ???
E   AssertionError

abc-123:2: AssertionError
____________________ TestMoreErrors.test_complex_error _____________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef0023>

    def test_complex_error(self):
        def f():
            return 44

        def g():
            return 43

>       somefunc(f(), g())

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
failure_demo.py:10: in somefunc
    otherfunc(x, y)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

a = 44, b = 43

    def otherfunc(a, b):
>       assert a == b
E       assert 44 == 43

failure_demo.py:6: AssertionError
___________________ TestMoreErrors.test_z1_unpack_error ____________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef0024>

    def test_z1_unpack_error(self):
        items = []
>       a, b = items
E       ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 0)

failure_demo.py:217: ValueError
____________________ TestMoreErrors.test_z2_type_error _____________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef0025>

    def test_z2_type_error(self):
        items = 3
>       a, b = items
E       TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable int object

failure_demo.py:221: TypeError
______________________ TestMoreErrors.test_startswith ______________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef0026>

    def test_startswith(self):
        s = "123"
        g = "456"
>       assert s.startswith(g)
E       AssertionError: assert False
E        +  where False = <built-in method startswith of str object at 0xdeadbeef0027>('456')
E        +    where <built-in method startswith of str object at 0xdeadbeef0027> = '123'.startswith

failure_demo.py:226: AssertionError
__________________ TestMoreErrors.test_startswith_nested ___________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef0028>

    def test_startswith_nested(self):
        def f():
            return "123"

        def g():
            return "456"

>       assert f().startswith(g())
E       AssertionError: assert False
E        +  where False = <built-in method startswith of str object at 0xdeadbeef0027>('456')
E        +    where <built-in method startswith of str object at 0xdeadbeef0027> = '123'.startswith
E        +      where '123' = <function TestMoreErrors.test_startswith_nested.<locals>.f at 0xdeadbeef0029>()
E        +    and   '456' = <function TestMoreErrors.test_startswith_nested.<locals>.g at 0xdeadbeef002a>()

failure_demo.py:235: AssertionError
_____________________ TestMoreErrors.test_global_func ______________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef002b>

    def test_global_func(self):
>       assert isinstance(globf(42), float)
E       assert False
E        +  where False = isinstance(43, float)
E        +    where 43 = globf(42)

failure_demo.py:238: AssertionError
_______________________ TestMoreErrors.test_instance _______________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef002c>

    def test_instance(self):
        self.x = 6 * 7
>       assert self.x != 42
E       assert 42 != 42
E        +  where 42 = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef002c>.x

failure_demo.py:242: AssertionError
_______________________ TestMoreErrors.test_compare ________________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef002d>

    def test_compare(self):
>       assert globf(10) < 5
E       assert 11 < 5
E        +  where 11 = globf(10)

failure_demo.py:245: AssertionError
_____________________ TestMoreErrors.test_try_finally ______________________

self = <failure_demo.TestMoreErrors object at 0xdeadbeef002e>

    def test_try_finally(self):
        x = 1
>           assert x == 0
E           assert 1 == 0

failure_demo.py:250: AssertionError
___________________ TestCustomAssertMsg.test_single_line ___________________

self = <failure_demo.TestCustomAssertMsg object at 0xdeadbeef002f>

    def test_single_line(self):
        class A:
            a = 1

        b = 2
>       assert A.a == b, "A.a appears not to be b"
E       AssertionError: A.a appears not to be b
E       assert 1 == 2
E        +  where 1 = <class 'failure_demo.TestCustomAssertMsg.test_single_line.<locals>.A'>.a

failure_demo.py:261: AssertionError
____________________ TestCustomAssertMsg.test_multiline ____________________

self = <failure_demo.TestCustomAssertMsg object at 0xdeadbeef0030>

    def test_multiline(self):
        class A:
            a = 1

        b = 2
>       assert (
            A.a == b
        ), "A.a appears not to be b\nor does not appear to be b\none of those"
E       AssertionError: A.a appears not to be b
E         or does not appear to be b
E         one of those
E       assert 1 == 2
E        +  where 1 = <class 'failure_demo.TestCustomAssertMsg.test_multiline.<locals>.A'>.a

failure_demo.py:268: AssertionError
___________________ TestCustomAssertMsg.test_custom_repr ___________________

self = <failure_demo.TestCustomAssertMsg object at 0xdeadbeef0031>

    def test_custom_repr(self):
        class JSON:
            a = 1

            def __repr__(self):
                return "This is JSON\n{\n  'foo': 'bar'\n}"

        a = JSON()
        b = 2
>       assert a.a == b, a
E       AssertionError: This is JSON
E         {
E           'foo': 'bar'
E         }
E       assert 1 == 2
E        +  where 1 = This is JSON\n{\n  'foo': 'bar'\n}.a

failure_demo.py:281: AssertionError
========================= short test summary info ==========================
FAILED failure_demo.py::test_generative[3-6] - assert (3 * 2) < 6
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestFailing::test_simple - assert 42 == 43
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestFailing::test_simple_multiline - assert 42 == 54
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestFailing::test_not - assert not 42
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_text - Asser...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_similar_text
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_multiline_text
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_long_text - ...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_long_text_multiline
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_list - asser...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_list_long - ...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_dict - Asser...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_set - assert...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_longer_list
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_in_list - asser...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_not_in_text_multiline
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_not_in_text_single
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_not_in_text_single_long
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_not_in_text_single_long_term
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_dataclass - ...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestSpecialisedExplanations::test_eq_attrs - Asse...
FAILED failure_demo.py::test_attribute - assert 1 == 2
FAILED failure_demo.py::test_attribute_instance - AssertionError: assert ...
FAILED failure_demo.py::test_attribute_failure - Exception: Failed to get...
FAILED failure_demo.py::test_attribute_multiple - AssertionError: assert ...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestRaises::test_raises - ValueError: invalid lit...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestRaises::test_raises_doesnt - Failed: DID NOT ...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestRaises::test_raise - ValueError: demo error
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestRaises::test_tupleerror - ValueError: not eno...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestRaises::test_reinterpret_fails_with_print_for_the_fun_of_it
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestRaises::test_some_error - NameError: name 'na...
FAILED failure_demo.py::test_dynamic_compile_shows_nicely - AssertionError
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_complex_error - assert 44 == 43
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_z1_unpack_error - ValueError...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_z2_type_error - TypeError: c...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_startswith - AssertionError:...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_startswith_nested - Assertio...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_global_func - assert False
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_instance - assert 42 != 42
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_compare - assert 11 < 5
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestMoreErrors::test_try_finally - assert 1 == 0
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestCustomAssertMsg::test_single_line - Assertion...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestCustomAssertMsg::test_multiline - AssertionEr...
FAILED failure_demo.py::TestCustomAssertMsg::test_custom_repr - Assertion...
============================ 44 failed in 0.12s ============================